Rajath Ramakrishna

My Theme Setup

Posted on — | 1 min read

First of all, kudos to @mmistakes for coming up with such an elegant theme called So Simple. Everything looks perfect and every component is placed where it’s supposed to be. I didn’t really have much to change except for few images and links here and there. It took me some time (along with my coursework) to setup this theme with my customizations on it. Following are the changes I made on this theme:

  • Removed site logo (the big circle head) that appears at the top of every post and restricted it to pages alone, so as not to make it redundant.
  • Changed font of some headings to Candara.
  • Added a Projects page on the navigation bar.
  • Changed the color of link hover to blue in most places.
  • Eliminated the need to have a ‘Home’ link on the NavBar and instead made the site logo clickable that takes you to the homepage.
  • The theme didn’t have a Rakefile to generate a page/post template. So I just borrowed the Rakefile from Jekyll Bootstrap and edited to fit to tailor it to my needs.