Distributed Caching

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What is Distributed Caching


  • Cache is used to get the most frequently requested information faster instead of making a database call
  • What are caches mainly used for?
    • save network calls
    • avoid repeated computations
    • reduce database load
  • Can’t store too many things in cache, because that cache will grow and eat up your memory, and will defy the point of having one
  • How do we make sure which entries to keep and which ones to evict? This is handled by a Caching Policy:
    • LRU
    • Sliding Window
    • etc.
  • What happens if there’s a poor eviction policy?
    • cache will make extra calls
    • Thrashing - cache is too small and there’ll be frequent cache misses
    • slow updates. user updates something in the database, but it’s not reflected in the cache
  • Where can the cache be place?
    • close to the servers
      • could be in-memory cache. But if one server goes down, the cache goes down with it.
      • caches across servers may be inconsistent
      • this is faster since the data is in memory
    • close to the database
      • this can be offloaded to a layer in between servers and database, using Redis
      • even if a server goes down, the other servers continue to hit this cache layer (Redis) and get the data
      • more accurate since it’s always connected to the database
  • ways to ensure consistency
    • write-through cache - you update the cache first and then write to the database. Drawback is it doesn’t necessarily keep things consistent, if there are multiple servers. That is, if S1 does a write-through, what happens to S2? It’ll still serve stale data.
    • write-back cache - update the database first and then update the cache. The drawback here is it’ll lead to thrashing because cache gets updated continuously
    • hybrid - a combination of write-through and write-back where you get a bunch of calls hitting the cache and then you do a bulk update to the database